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   If You are interested in Science, well, that will be the suite topic for us to talk through. I don't know exactly why I love science, especially Chemistry and anything about Nuclear power. I like to explore it.
For now I wanna talk about my most interesing, Nuclear power. I wanna be Nuclear engineer. The reason why this topic was brought.     Have you ever thought of we're about to run out of energy sources?? Well, if you have, Nuclear power is one of many alternative energy sources. I've been wondered about how it works. Just like an unbelieveable phenomenon. How does one atom absorb neutrons and split graet energy???     There are many of radioactive materials. U-235, for example, have 92 protons and 143 neutrons in each nucleus. If a source of nuetrons is placed near an atom of U-235, a Uranium may absorb a nuetron. This nucleus is unstable and radioactive. Then cracked into smaller atoms, called FISSION. During fission, 2 or 3 fast-moving neutrons are produced with high energy, Nuclear power. Then slows down the neutrons to repeat the process as Chain reaction and it takes place so quickly, 5 billionths of a second. It could repeat itself nearly 200 times in 1 millionths of a second. This process use for atomic bomb and nuclear-powered electrical genereting stations. ![]()     So depressive. I guess that is why it's not permitted in my country. But should think of profits it will make !! Everybody here is afraid of danger. That is OK!!! Keep Our Heads in our Butts. I'm gonna change this attitute. Here are Nuclear links. CHECK OUT! Got problems. Feeling against me. NO Hesitation MAIL ME.
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