Welcome to my homepage !
    What are you up to, guys?? Welcome again to my personal site. I created this site as a first one. It's kinda hard. It took me about 1 month for all proceeses. By the way, I'm not
attending this site as a private site. But I want it to be a resource who share my interestings. This site is featuring many links to its topic related that I could found. Understood?
    Maybe you've wondered what the symbol above there stands for. That is symbolized as our glorious celebration to our King of Thailand, H.M. Bhumibhol the King. If you wanna find out more click there !
    Before I'll leave you with my brief Info. I wanna thanx God firstly for allowing to be me! Also for all blessings I've recieved. I'd like to thanx Mom and dad for supporting me, for everything.
Saranyu -- my useless brother (but you're still nice to me). Narisa, Samantha -for being great cousins. Andrew Little brother- I really wanna see you. Everybody at Christainity center -- you leaded me to God. Golf, Tu and BoonSerm my best friends ever! TaKaeng - you make me sick (joking).Som- I love you in any way. K who eventually realized I'm a good guy.BOO -- for instructions about HTML. (I respect u, brother.) Chanikarn who could stand with me (Our affiar was fade but friendship will forever remain).
Worarot - You helped me a lot. I'm not paying back! P.Son my genius friend -- though You are apart but I feel close to you (I love the present from Tokyo). B -- you're helping me but I don't know where you are now, Call me sometimes. Film -- you're so cool.
A, Pink -- you revealed my secrets ! You're SO DEAD. Tong - you are not my g/f. Natakarn -- remember me?? Rage - I hate you (suck my D*ck). Chev -- I thought you totally forgot me. Amanda - you gotta ask me out. Elephant - I'm so greatful for the job. Savika - you're becoming a brightly star now.
My on-line friends. Kirsten or Chippy824 - get back to me I miss you. MauraNJ dont't you think we can get along well? Chad - stop the fight with Avalanche #1 Fan(Tell me more about your book.) Anjie_1 - I havn't seen you for a long time. Eminem3 - F*ck you've never contacted me since....
Mike who keeps sending me stuffs (Thank you). Cherynn, Crazy_gal, Cute1/simba, Doc_, Galtinel, Melinda, Nite~wander, PerkyBlue, Rayne Drop, Shab Khaled, etc.
   Everyone on my icq list - thanks for keeping me.
   If I forgot someone then you're not on my mind. You're not deserve any thanks.

Label Serial# Age Produced since Made in Ability Interesting Fav. Hang out Photo
Triangle25 Nu 17 25th, May 1982 Bangkok, Thailand Talking *** Talkcity Coming soon